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Seventh Ukraine Breakfast Debate: Representatives of the DiXi Group discuss the reforms of the Ukrainian energy sector

The seventh Ukraine Breakfast Debate within the project “Platform for Analytics and Inter­cul­tural Commu­ni­cation” (PAIC) took place on 3 May 2018. The repre­sen­ta­tives from the Ukrainian think tank DiXi Group, Olena Pavlenko, Roman Nitsovych and Denys Nazarenko, presented first results of the reform process within the Ukrainian energy sector at our institute and discussed together with German expert about the successes and challenges of reforms, the EU-Ukraine-Russia energy triangle as well as the influence of Nord Stream 2 on this relationship triangle.

The DiXi Group experts showed that the reform process already had a great positive influence on the Ukrainian energy sector. Consid­erable steps towards a full-fledged harmon­i­sation with EU standards have been made within the gas and electricity market. The imple­men­tation of the Third Energy Package has not only paved the way towards a full integration of Ukraine into the European energy market but has also further ensured the stability and trans­parency of the Ukrainian market.

The history of the Ukrainian-Russian energy relationship was a further aspect for discussion. The experts shed light on the most important phases within the relationship since Ukraine’s indepen­dence (1991) and discussed the economic as well as political dimen­sions. Moreover, the construction of the natural gas pipeline Nord Stream 2, its legal context and its influence of the role of Ukraine as a transit country were core topics of the subse­quent question round. Ukraine has estab­lished itself as reliable transit partner for the European gas market. However, Nord Stream 2 will make Ukraine’s future as an essential transit country increas­ingly unsure and will also lead to consid­erable economic losses. The actual conse­quences of Nord Stream 2 for Central and Western European states remain similarly unclear. Subse­quently, Dr. Kirsten Westphal, Senior Associate at the German Institute for Inter­na­tional and Security Affairs (SWP), commented on the devel­op­ments within the energy triangle and illus­trated the German point of view on this relationship.

Olena Pavlenko is the founder and president of DiXi Group that since more than 15 years predom­i­nantly deals with issues related to energy politics and energy security. Furthermore, she is the founder of the online platform “Ukrajin­skaja Enerhetyka” as well as deputy director of the multi stake­holder group of the Extractive Indus­tries Trans­parency Initiative (EITI) – an independent trans­parency standard in 51 countries. Roman Nitosvych is the DiXi Group expert on energy reforms. Denys Nazarenko is DiXi Group’s legal experts and deals with questions on European integration within the energy sector and energy community. You can find out more about DiXi Group as well as energy sector reforms in the interview with Olena Pavlenko from our “Klartext”-series (available in German or Ukrainian).

The Ukraine Breakfast Debates take place within the framework of the project “Platform for Analytics and Inter­cul­tural Commu­ni­cation” (PAIC) and are designed as Ukraine expert talks on topical and relevant issues, which are discussed with our guests over crois­sants and coffee. The project “Platform for Analytics and Inter­cul­tural Commu­ni­cation” (PAIC) aims at supporting the Ukrainian think tank landscape as well as fostering the exchange between German and Ukrainian research insti­tu­tions. The project is imple­mented by the Institute for European Politics (IEP, Berlin) in cooper­ation with the Inter­na­tional Renais­sance Foundation (IRF, Kyiv), the Ilko Kucheriv Democ­ratic Initia­tives Foundation (DIF, Kyiv) and the think tank-initiative „think  twice UA“ (Kyiv) and with the kind support of the Federal Foreign Office.