Yearbook of European Integration 2015

The Yearbook of European Integration published by the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in Berlin documents and balances the European integration process from 1980 to the present. The result of 35 years of continuous work is a uniquely comprehensive account of European contemporary history.
The “Yearbook of European Integration 2015” continues that tradition. In the contents of about 100 articles the authors trace developments in European politics in their field of research priority in the reporting period 2014/15. They supply information on the work of the EU institutions, the developments of different policy areas in the EU, Europe’s role in global politics and the member and candidate states’ European policy.
The Yearbook of European Integration is a project of the Institute for European Politics (IEP), Berlin, realized in cooperation with the Center for Applied Policy Research at the University of Munich and the Jean Monnet Chair for Political Science, University of Cologne.
Werner Weidenfeld/Wolfgang Wessels (Ed.):
Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2015,
Nomos Verlag, Baden-Baden 2015, 578 p., ca. 69,– EURO
ISBN 978–3‑8487–1931‑0
The book can be ordered at the Nomos Shop.
The “Yearbook of European Integration” is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. The IEP alone is responsible for the contents.