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Policy Brief “Engaging External Actors: The EU in the Geopolitics of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict”

The seventh policy brief within the series: IEP Policy Briefs on Enlargement and Neigh­bourhood,” deals with “Engaging external actors: The EU in the geopol­itics of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.” Marie Curie Researcher, Marco Siddi, analyses the circum­stances of the dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh, a region that is claimed by both Armenia and Azerbaijan. His focus is on the role and interests of external actors, especially Russia and the EU. Siddi criti­cises the contra­dictory position of the EU towards Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as its weak contri­bu­tions so far in solving the conflict. Conse­quently, he recom­mends that the EU take the lead as a mediator in the conflict, bringing together the conflict parties and enhancing closer cooper­ation with Russia and Turkey in facil­i­tating the peace-building process. In addition, he advises the EU to take up a consistent stance on Armenia and Azerbaijan and to enforce an arms embargo on these two countries.
