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Local Dialogue in Soroca on Interethnic Relations and Social Cohesion in the Republic of Moldova

On 1 November 2018, the first out of two local dialogues on Interethnic Relations and Social Cohesion in the Republic of Moldova of the CIVID-project took place in Soroca, in the northern part of Moldova near the border to Ukraine. More than 50 repre­sen­ta­tives of youth civil society organi­za­tions, teachers and civic activists discussed in a world café format challenges that repre­sen­ta­tives of ethnic commu­nities are facing in their daily lives. The discus­sions were struc­tured into four thematic sectors 1. Media, 2. Economic devel­opment, 3. Social policy as well as 4. the EU associ­ation agreement and were facil­i­tated by local experts stemming from different regions of Moldova. The aim of this bottom-up activity was to work on concrete recom­men­da­tions and solutions for improving the lives of the citizens of the Soroca region and foster the integration of ethnic commu­nities in this part of the country. Among these recom­men­da­tions were the following:

The dialogue is part of the project “Promoting civil society and inter-ethnic dialogue in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the EU associ­ation process (CIVID)“ that the Institut für Europäische Politik is imple­menting in partnership with the Institute for European Policies and Reforms (IPRE) and the Institute for Strategic Initia­tives (IPIS). The project is kindly supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.

For more infor­mation on the CIVID project click here (LINK)

For the press release of our local partner IPRE: