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Issue 2/2015 of integration published

In the new issue of integration Heinz-Jürgen Axt examines the political programmes and the election pledges of the Greek governing parties and illus­trates their negoti­ating positions as well as their patterns of behaviour throughout the ongoing EU crisis meetings up to the end of June. Nicolai von Ondarza and Ronja Scheler analyse the High Representative’s function as the external voice of the EU when Catherine Ashton was in office and they submit some proposals for reform for her successor, F. Mogherini. Gerhard Sabathil addresses new momentums for the EU-Central Asia relations. He acknowl­edges the progress made in imple­menting the Central Asia Strategy during the past seven years, but also identifies possi­bil­ities for improvement. Christoph Vedder’s collective review discusses works on the long path of European integration. Gerhard Sabathil takes up one of these books for his review. Several conference reports of the “Arbeit­skreis Europäische Integration” focus on EU-Russia relations, forms of differ­en­tiated integration and current devel­op­ments in the EU’s Common Commercial Policy.

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