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IEP Lunch Debate with Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul: “Europe’s Global Responsibility — Requirements of a European Development Policy”

21 June 2001, 12:30 in the Jean Monnet Building, Lunch Debate with Heide­marie Wieczorek-Zeul, MdB, Federal Minister for Economic Cooper­ation and Devel­opment. The minister presented the German initia­tives within the EU devel­opment policy, the Agreement of Cotonou and the restruc­turing of EU policy in the area of devel­opment cooper­ation. At the center of this Lunch Debate stood the concept of an integrated effort for crisis prevention, which includes not only questions of poverty, arms exports and trade policy, but also the coordi­nation of devel­opment policies at the European and member state level.