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Study on Strengthening the Democratic Legitimacy of the EU

Copyright Pixabay, Gerd Altmann

The Conference on the Future of Europe opens a window of oppor­tunity to achieve reforms to strengthen EU-level democracy. In order to seize this oppor­tunity, concrete reform proposals are needed. They have to advance the tried and tested path of democ­ra­tizing the EU by strength­ening the European Parliament and political parties on the European level as well as complement repre­sen­tative democracy with new partic­i­pative instruments.

In a study commis­sioned by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, IEP elabo­rates such reform proposals in four areas:

The study identifies needs for reform in all four areas and under­takes a review of the reform options currently discussed in the political and academic debates. Based on this analysis, concrete reform proposals are recom­mended. The results will be discussed with decision-makers and experts in order to feed the recom­men­da­tions into the debate on the future of Europe.

Project team

Katrin Böttger
Manuel Müller 
Julian Plottka
Antonia Labitzky
Julina Mintel

Related Links

How to reinforce the democ­ratic legit­imacy of the EU – FES research project with the Institute for European Politics

Chronology Of Negoti­a­tions On The Conference On The Future Of Europe (COFOE)

Policy Paper: Recom­men­da­tions for the Conference on the Future of Europe
