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IEP/GIZ EU trainer programme for Ukrainian Civil Servants completed: Study visit Berlin, Zagreb, Belgrade


From 24 to 31 January 2016 Ms Anne Bercio, project leader at IEP, a group of 15 civil servants of the Ukrainian Government Office for European Integration and various line minis­tries attended a study visit to Germany, Croatia and Serbia.

The main objective of the visit was to further conso­lidate knowledge and networks from the three-month EU trainer programme previously imple­mented in Kyiv. To this end parti­ci­pants visited the central EU coordi­nating bodies in all three capitals (Auswär­tiges Amt, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, MFA in Croatia, Serbian European Integration Office). Appoint­ments at the Repre­sen­tation of Sachsen-Anhalt to the Federal level, the National Assembly of Serbia as well as with Civil Society Activists in Zagreb and Belgrade comple­mented the visit.

In the context of training the current and future officials of Ukrainian minis­tries and agencies to cope with the challenges associated with the imple­men­tation of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, the objective of this study visit for GOEI was to foster knowhow and compe­tences of key stake­holders in the field of EU coordi­nation and strengthen networks among EUIOs as well as with relevant German, Croatian, and Serbian stakeholders.

The project is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany.