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Expertenkonferenz: “The EU, Russia and Eastern Europe – Dissenting views on security, stability and partnership?”

Am 22. und 23. November organi­sierte das IEP in Zusam­men­arbeit mit der Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) und der Volks­wa­gen­Stiftung eine Exper­ten­kon­ferenz zum Thema “The EU, Russia and Eastern Europe – Dissenting views on security, stability and partnership?”, die in der Vertretung des Saarlandes beim Bund in Berlin stattfand. Die Konferenz, an der inter­na­tionale Experten aus Politik und Wissen­schaft teilnahmen, war zugleich die Abschluss­ver­an­staltung des Study Programme on European Security (SPES).

Forty parti­ci­pants – among them inter­na­tional experts from academia and the policy-making community – gathered at the Repre­sen­tation of the Saarland to the Federation to discuss three different, though inter­re­lated topics: the issue of the ‘shared neigh­bourhood’ in the EU-Russia relations, the future of the European Neigh­bourhood Policy (ENP) and the security dimension of EU external action in the (South) Eastern neigh­bourhood. The EU-Russia relations in the light of the ‘common neigh­bourhood’ was the first topic under discussion. The review of possi­bi­lities for political coope­ration between the EU and Russia in the post-Soviet space crystal­lized diverging positions on possible policy fields, tools and relevant actors (EU insti­tu­tions, member states, economic or societal actors). The second panel aimed at discussing and evaluating the impact of the European Neigh­bourhood Policy (ENP) and the Eastern Partnership (EaP). While both achie­ve­ments and limits were highlighted, the discussion focused on the (theore­tical, practical and psycho­lo­gical) impact of membership condi­tio­nality. In the third panel parti­ci­pants discussed insti­tu­tional develo­p­ments of the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). Moreover, the policy was analysed from a regional perspective (i.e. impli­ca­tions for the Balkans) as well as around analy­tical lenses (i.e. long-term processes that are external to actors’ policy decisions). Finally, a dinner debate with Borys Tarasyuk, former Foreign Minister of Ukraine, focussed on the state of affairs of the EU-Ukraine relations, reasons for the failure of the Orange Revolution, and Ukraine’s positioning between the EU and Russia.
