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SEnECA Blog Post: Central Asia’s Role in Latvian Foreign Policy

Coope­ration with the Central Asian countries is one of the specia­liza­tions of Latvian foreign policy, making the Baltic country one of the main advocates in the European Union (EU) for closer inter­action with the region. Hence, during the Latvian Presi­dency of the Council of the EU in 2015, Central Asia regained momentum in the agenda of the EU external action.

History of the 20th century, namely the Soviet occupation, laid the foundation for closer inter­action between Latvia and the Central Asian countries. From the perspective of Central Asian people, Latvia and the two other Baltic nations were seen not only geogra­phi­cally, but also cultu­rally and econo­mically as the Western-most part of the Soviet Union. Many Central Asians still carry good memories of the sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea, music, and commo­dities origi­nating in Latvia. The inter­action in the past streng­thened the mutual trust and allowed for a better under­standing of each other’s mindsets and mentality.

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkme­nistan, and Uzbekistan are all different and so are their relations with Latvia. Nevert­heless, the bilateral inter­action between all Central Asian countries and Latvia have been fairly active across different fields. Just to name some examples: since the 1990s, exchange of presi­dential visits with all Central Asian countries except Kyrgyzstan have taken place; Uzbek and Kazakh students constitute one of the biggest groups of foreign students in Latvia; direct flights connect Riga and Tashkent and, starting April of this year, Riga and Almaty will also be directly connected; regular cargo train traffic connects Latvia to the region; Latvia supports different projects in the region related to such fields as justice and home affairs, public adminis­tration, agriculture, democratic invol­vement, civic society, and education.

However, with conti­nuing reforms in some of the Central Asian countries and incre­asing asser­ti­veness and presence of great powers, the compe­tition for attention in the region will become fiercer as the space for initia­tives will become narrower. Therefore, for Latvia to retain the current level of inter­action and to go beyond, more should be done. To name a few sugges­tions: refresh the political dialogue at the highest level by organizing an official presi­dential visit to the region; establish an embassy in one more capital in order to expand everyday activity beyond Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan; provide more funds for the develo­pment coope­ration projects and, thus, share more of Latvia’s transition experience in the spheres of mutual interest; invest more in people-to-people relations, most importantly by providing more state scholar­ships to Central Asian students in Latvian universities.

SEnECA Blog Contri­bution by Māris Andžāns from the Latvian Institute of Inter­na­tional Affairs