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Young Central Asia: Recommendations to the German Government for the Implementation of the EU-Central Asia Strategy

Foto: David Mark/Pixabay

The research paper analyses the feasi­bility of a new youth policy dimension in EU-Central Asia relations as a priority within the framework of the EU-Cen- tral Asia Strategy of 2019. The paper’s recom­men­da­tions on how to set up the youth policy dimension do not exclu­sively focus on German policy but pro- pose an EU-wide task sharing to create synergies by means of coope­ration. Against the backdrop of young popula­tions in Central Asia, the research pa- per finds that youth policy is a mutually beneficial area of coope­ration for the EU and its Central Asian partners, where the EU does not compete with China or Russia. Creating higher prospects for younger genera­tions is a policy for the majority of Central Asian citizens and it is fully in line with the EU’s object- ives for youth policy and external relations. Defining youth policy in a broader sense, the research paper empha­sises the legal, political, social, and cultural integration of people aged 14 to 30 years. Based on this broad under- standing of youth policy, it analyses a total of seven challenges and reviews a total of six policy areas relevant to youths in Central Asia.

