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The European Citizens’ Initiative – Occupational therapy for the people?

Vera Faust/Jochen Roose/Annette Knaut/Katrin Böttger/Julian Plottka (eds.)

The ECI is the focus of issue 4/2012 of the Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen. In it, the possi­bil­ities and perceived limita­tions of this new instrument are discussed. Julian Plottka, Katrin Böttger and Annette Knaut give an overview of the procedure and the current state of research of the ECI. Jo Leinen inter­prets the ECI as a pioneer of the European public. In addition, Paolo Ponzana reports on the evolvement and hopes pertaining to the ECI. Reiner Keller and Annette Knaut disagree with this concept of the European public that, from their point of view, results from nation-state oriented thinking. Alter­na­tively, they suggest the concept of transna­tional discourse spheres. Laurent Bernhard and Theo Schiller discuss the proce­dures of direct democracy with Bernhard focusing on Switzerland and Schiller adopting an inter­na­tionally compar­ative perspective. Being the co-coordi­nators of the first regis­tered initiative, “Fraternité 2020,” Marcus Gastinger and Georg Jürgens summarise the practical imple­men­tation of initia­tives and the diffi­culties that have occurred launching a new initiative. Finally, Christine Quittkat deals with the ECI as an instrument for citizens to partic­ipate in EU politics.

The abstracts of all articles are available on the Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen website.
The article by Christine Quittkat is available on the Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen website in full text.