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Further results of the IEP fact checking project “TruLies – The Truth about Lies on Europe” on the topic “System of the EU” are online

The project “TruLies – The Truth about Lies on Europe” of the Institute for European Politics (IEP), in cooper­ation with Das Progressive Zentrum and supported by the Mercator foundation, presents further results. Six fact sheets on the topic “System of the EU” analyse Eurosceptic and populist state­ments on common myths about the EU’s functioning — from ‘mission creep’ over ‘excessive bureau­cracy’ to inappro­priate and clearly false compar­isons with a ‘dicta­torship’ or ‘slavery’– and subject them to a fact check on

In line with the goal of a more objective debate on European politics in Germany, the fact sheets estab­lished in the project examine different Eurosceptic state­ments of German politi­cians. For this purpose, the state­ments, which often allude to diffuse preju­dices and myths about the EU, are being put in context and subjected to a thorough fact check. The goal is to present the complex under­lying issues in an under­standable way and to uncover specific “truths” and “lies” contained in the arguments. Relevant data, refer­ences and additional liter­ature complete the infor­mation offered. In this way, the fact sheets contribute to a systematic and analyt­i­cally founded decon­struction of Eurosceptic and populist false asser­tions, preju­dices and animosities. Thus, it aims to contribute to a ratio­nal­i­sation of the public discourse and debate in Germany (and beyond). You may find further infor­mation on our website:

Fact Sheets on the Topic “System of the EU” (in German)

Nr. 1 „Zuständigkeiten: „Die EU beansprucht immer mehr Zuständigkeiten, weit über das hinaus, was ihr in den Verträgen zugedacht ist.“ (Bernd Lucke, AfD)

Nr. 2 „EU-Bürokratie: „Diese Gelder versickern zu einem nicht unwesentlichen Teil in der gewaltigen Brüsseler Bürokratie […]. Nicht selten verschwinden die Gelder aber auch direkt in dunklen Kanälen.“ (Paul Hampel, AfD)

Nr. 3 „EU-Regulierung: „Die Brüsseler Regulierungswut ist auch das Ergebnis unkon­trol­lierter Behörden-Apparate ohne Rückbindung an Parlament und politische Verant­wortung.“ (CSU Europaplan Bayern, 2014)

Nr. 4 „EU-Demokratie 1: „Die Brüsseler Insti­tu­tionen werden als undemokratischer […] Machtap­parat wahrgenommen.“ (Sahra Wagenknecht, DIE LINKE)

Nr. 5 „DEXIT: „Ich weiß, auch das deutsche Volk will mehrheitlich raus aus der EU-Sklaverei.“ (Björn Höcke, AfD)

Nr. 6 „EU-Demokratie 2: „Eine EU, die sich letztlich zu […] einer Diktatur aus Brüssel […] entwickelte.“ (André Poggenburg, AfD)