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Second Workshop of the “Eurasia Lab & Fellowship Program”: “Developing Project Ideas and Writing Funding Applications”

The year 2020 and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic made one thing clear: collab­o­ration, networking and the exchange of ideas and thoughts are core elements of research and scien­tific devel­opment. The “Eurasia Lab & Fellowship Program” came therefore at just the right time and seeks to find creative and effective ways to keep up collab­o­ration and networking, especially for young researchers from Central Asia, the Southern Caucasus and Eastern Europe.

The second workshop of the “Eurasia Lab & Fellowship Program” on 26 November 2020 therefore took a similar hands-on approach as the first workshop one month before and addressed the topic of “Devel­oping Project Ideas and Writing Funding Appli­ca­tions”. The virtual event brought together over 90 experts and researchers who are working in or on Central Asia, the Southern Caucasus and Eastern Europe to broaden their knowledge and skills about the devel­opment of research project ideas, building up a network of partner insti­tu­tions, and the possi­bil­ities of applying for research funding.

In her input, Professor Dr Tanja Börzel from the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at the Freie Univer­sität Berlin spoke about the “Dos and Don’ts of Writing Funding Appli­ca­tions”. She empha­sized that the pandemic offered new oppor­tu­nities, such as the unique chance to gather partic­i­pants for a virtual event from so many different countries at once. In her very vivid presen­tation, she then shared her extensive experi­ences of having been both in the role of the applicant and in the role of being part of a selection committee of research grants.

She pointed out that one of the main challenges that the very diverse funding landscape poses was to find a successful match of the overall orien­tation of a grant on the one hand and the appro­priate research focus and design on the other hand. She explained the differ­ences in the funding landscape along four main dimen­sions: individual vs. collab­o­rative research, basic vs. applied research, contract vs. program­matic vs. “free” research, and national vs. inter­na­tional funding. Furthermore, Professor Börzel spoke about the learning effects of collab­o­rative research projects – as for instance facil­i­tated by the EU research programme “Horizon 2020” – in terms of getting inspi­ration, learning from others, and the challenge to go beyond the personal comfort zone. And yet, she also claimed: “The chef cooks himself!” – meaning that it was crucial to never let anyone else write the appli­cation in the researcher’s name, but that he/she always has to be part of the writing process him-/herself. She also stressed to never under­es­timate the admin­is­trative work and challenges that come along with applying and managing grants.

In the second part of the experts’ inputs, Dunja Hofmann from the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organ­i­sa­tions (KoWi), Dr Kirsten Kienzler from the DLR Project Management Agency, and Dr Matthias Nöllenburg from the Volkswagen Foundation presented funding instru­ments provided by their insti­tutes specif­i­cally for research projects in Central Asia, the Southern Caucasus and Eastern Europe. One of the main take-aways for the partic­i­pants was that while funding on the EU-level requires a transna­tional research network and team, it is also very often connected to the requirement of the location of the host institute to be located within the European Union or a specific EU member state – one more reason why transna­tional networking is of such importance.

During the Q&A session, the experts discussed the different stages of building a research career, the advan­tages and disad­van­tages of inter­dis­ci­pli­narity and mono-disci­plinary approaches in research projects, as well as the question on how to position research projects on a spectrum of incre­mental research versus ground-breaking research and how to find the suitable funding schemes for this with participants.

At the end of the event, the partic­i­pants switched to the online platform “Wonder”. The platform allowed every partic­ipant to freely move around a virtual room and to engage in either group discus­sions or individual conver­sa­tions. According to the partic­i­pants’ overall very positive feedback, “Wonder” provided an exciting and inter­active format and allowed personal and informal exchange after profes­sional events which in course of the COVID-19 pandemic unfor­tu­nately had become rather rare this year. The partic­i­pants used this oppor­tunity to ask more specific personal and career-related questions and to discuss research ideas and funding options with the experts. It also facil­i­tated networking among partic­i­pants and helped them to either get back in touch with partners or exchange contacts for future collab­o­ration. And eventually it contributed to one of the key aspects that Professor Börzel had tirelessly empha­sized: commu­ni­cation, cooper­ation, and gaining multiple perspec­tives are the key for successful research!

Author: Friederike Augustin

The workshop took place within the framework of the “Eurasia Lab & Fellowship Program” which is supported by the Open Society Founda­tions (OSF). The opinions expressed by the project and its publi­ca­tions may not reflect OSF’s views.