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Second Workshop “Civic School for Sound EU Practice” implemented

Participants and trainer of the Odessa Workshop

From 7–10 December 2015, four weeks after the first workshop of the project Civic School for Sound EU Practice (CiSEP) was opened in Odessa, Martin Stein, project manager at Institut für Europäische Politik, returned to the port city at the Black Sea to success­fully  implement the second workshop of the first  project stage with partic­i­pants from different CSOs of Central and Southern Ukraine.

The workshop was again aimed at conveying knowledge and skills. With regard to the EU-Ukraine Associ­ation Agreement in general and the Deep and Compre­hensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) in particular two Ukrainian trainer presented and discussed the contents of Chapter 12 (Trans­parency) and 13 (Sustainable Devel­opment and Trade) of the DCFTA and the role Civil Society can play in their respective imple­men­tation. The partic­i­pants also learned more about cross border cooper­ation with the help of a repre­sen­tative of the Joint Opera­tional Programme Romania-Ukraine-Moldova, which is funded through the European Neigh­bourhood Instrument.

As a key objective of CiSEP is the transfer of skills to foster the capacity building for CSOs in the context of the EU Associ­ation, the partic­i­pants had some lively sessions on instru­ments to monitor the associ­ation process. The sessions were led by an experi­enced trainer from one of Polands largest NGOs with a focus on monitoring government activ­ities. His shared experi­ences of working and not-working as well as good and bad strategies and activ­ities for advocacy and campaigning were esteemed by the present Ukrainian CSO representatives.

For Odessa the final workshop of the first stage of the project will take place at the end of January.

The workshop is part of the workshop series “Civic School for Sound EU Practice” (CiSEP), a capacity building project for members of Civil Society Organi­za­tions in Ukraine that is organized by the IEP and imple­mented in cooper­ation with Polissya Foundation for Inter­na­tional and Regional Studies (Chernihiv, Ukraine). The project takes place over a two-year period in the form of a progres­sively struc­tured training program in the cities of Chernihiv, Odesa and Lviv. The training cycles convey compre­hensive knowledge on constituent parts and effects of the Associ­ation Agreement, including the Deep and Compre­hensive Free Trade Area. Furthermore, partic­i­pants study and practice approaches for sustainable monitoring of the associ­ation process. They are instructed in methods of strategy devel­opment, monitoring, campaigning, etc.

The trainings are led by experts from admin­is­trative bodies and civil society organi­za­tions in EU member and candidate countries. The long-term project creates a sustainable network and synergies for the cooper­ation of partic­i­pating Civil Society Organizations.

The project is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Republic of Germany.