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2nd MIDEU Press Club held in Chisinau

On Friday, 17 November, MIDEU organized the second Press Club in Chisinau. More than 15 journalists took advantage of the oppor­tunity to discuss the current state of inter-ethnic relations in Moldova with repre­sen­ta­tives of the German Embassy, OSCE and the MIDEU expert team.

The speakers discussed the envisaged measures of the National Strategy for Strength­ening Interethnic Relations (2017–2027) and the corre­sponding Action Plan for imple­men­tation (2017–2020), which has been approved by the government on 15 November.

Florian Seitz, Deputy Head of Mission from the German Embassy as well as Sergiu Conovalu ‎National Programme Officer from OSCE stressed the willingness of inter­na­tional partners to support the Republic of Moldova in this endeavor.

In addition, the sensitive issue of identity and the crucial role of the government in including and protecting all ethnic commu­nities were addressed. The partic­i­pants concluded that the media, too, should contribute more actively in the consol­i­dation of a common civic identity, based on equal rights and oppor­tu­nities of all citizens.

The MIDEU Project is imple­mented by the Institut für Europäische Politik (Berlin) in cooper­ation with the Institute for Strategic Initia­tives IPIS (Chişinău) and the Institute for European Policy and Reforms IPRE (Chişinău). It is kindly supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.
