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Second Part of the GURN Online Methods School: Interviews in Qualitative Social Research

After the successful start of the first part of the Methods School at the end of September/beginning of October, the online classes continued on October 20, 22 and 23, 2020. The topic of the three half-day events was conducting inter­views in the context of quali­tative research approaches. The seminars took place online in English and were led by the experts Anna Mayer (Austrian Exchange Service) and Sophie Schmäing (University of Giessen).

Practical knowledge for conducting interviews

On the first day of the workshop series, the two trainers gave a general intro­duction: When is it useful to use inter­views as a method? What types of inter­views exist and what are their advan­tages and disad­van­tages? After these questions were clarified, a practical exercise followed. The partic­i­pants not only learned how to select interview partners and to deal with consent forms, but also how to draft a guideline for a struc­tured interview. In addition to practicing various questioning techniques, strategies of note-taking and sound recording, ethical questions and how the role that the inter­viewer takes on can affect the interview, were discussed as well. On the last day, the group dealt with the evalu­ation of the inter­views. Meyer and Schmäing explained how to transcribe inter­views, which digital tools are suitable for this purpose and how collab­o­rative projects can be imple­mented efficiently. At the end, there was an open space for the exchange and discussion of ideas around individual research projects of the participants.

The GURN Methods School is a series of online workshops with a focus on quali­tative research that took place in autumn 2020. In four thematic blocks, young researchers, most of whom work at Ukrainian think tanks, among other things learned to develop their own research design, to apply quali­tative methods such as process tracing, content/video analysis and inter­views, and to analyse political discourses from a social science perspective.

The project “German Ukrainian Researchers Network” (GURN) aims at estab­lishing a German-Ukrainian research network for junior and senior researchers and their organ­i­sa­tions, strength­ening country expertise and promoting joint cooper­ation projects. GURN is conducted in close cooper­ation with the Ilko Kucheriv Democ­ratic Initia­tives Foundation (DIF, Kyiv), the think tank devel­opment and research initiative think twice UA (Kyiv), the New Europe Center(NEC, Kyiv) and is kindly supported by the Federal Foreign Office.