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Issue 1/2018 of integration

In the new issue of integration, Pol Morillas, Melike Janine Sökmen and Akın Ünver present the global movements, trends and actors driving EU-Turkey relations and predict that under these circum­stances conflictual dynamics between both actors are likely to increase. Carmen Gersten­meyer and Julian Plottka focus on the European Citizens’ Initiative and discuss selected reform elements with regard to their potential contri­bution to further democ­ratise the EU. Markus Kaim and Ronja Kempin analyse the Franco-German security and defence cooper­ation and assess how far the level of ambition of both actors converge also with regard to current EU dynamics in this field. Linn Selle discusses ideas on how to strengthen parlia­mentary bodies on the national and European level in order to exert their full budget authority. The issue contains also a summary of the annual conference 2017 of the Institut für Europäische Politik and the final conference of the project “Alter­native Europa!”. The ‘Arbeit­skreis Europäische Integration’ reports on confer­ences about the role of law to provide security and the capacity of the European Commission to act as a force for cohesion.

EU-Turkey Relations in the Midst of a Global Storm

Pol Morillas, Melike Janine Sökmen and Akın Ünver

This article presents the global movements, trends and actors driving EU-Turkey relations: namely, the global shift of power, the declining liberal inter­na­tional order and the rise of author­i­tar­i­anism, populism, the new US foreign policy under Trump and Russia’s rise under Putin. It analyzes the impact of these drivers on the EU and Turkey respec­tively, and proposes the most likely scenario on the future of EU-Turkey relations under this constel­lation of drivers. It argues that the trans­for­ma­tions at the global level have dimin­ished the capacity of the EU to act as a “force for good” in inter­na­tional affairs which, coupled with Turkey’s will to emerge as a global actor, is likely to increase conflictual dynamics between both actors.

The Current Reform: The Last Chance to Save the European Citizens’ Initiative?

Carmen Gersten­meyer and Julian Plottka

Since 2012, EU citizens can use the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) to invite the European Commission to propose a legal act on matters, where they consider EU regulation necessary. Consid­erable practical problems in the ECI process, both for organ­isers and supporters, make a reform necessary in order to render the instrument more citizen-friendly. In April 2017, the Commission started the reform, which shall be concluded by the end of 2018. Against this backdrop, the article reviews the state of art of research on the ECI and presents an overview of the procedure before analysing data on the instrument’s use by citizens. Finally, selected reform elements are discussed with regard to their potential contri­bution to further democ­ratise the EU.

Cooperation without Strategic Orientation? The Franco-German Defence Framework

Markus Kaim and Ronja Kempin

Germany and France have pushed forward security and defense cooper­ation during the last months. Bilat­erally, they agreed on a wide range of future armament cooper­ation and multi­lat­erally, they gave momentum to the long dormant process of Permanent Struc­tured Cooper­ation (PESCO). The majority of EU member states wants to use PESCO to facil­itate military integration within the framework of Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and to make better use of their military capabil­ities. However, this progress should not hide existing differ­ences between “Paris” and “Berlin”. On the one side, there is no agreement about the functional dimension of CSDP – what should it be used for? On the other side, the level of ambition with regard to further integration remains disputed despite the talk of a “security and defense union”.

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Linn Selle

Strengthening Parliaments in EU Budget Negotiations

The article sheds light upon the position of the European Parliament and the German Bundestag during the negoti­a­tions on the Multi­annual Financial Framework 2014–2020 (MFF), as both parlia­mentary levels play a formal role in the budgetary process. While there have been strongly diverging views as to the insti­tu­tional prior­ities of the MFF (such as the size of the budget and its revenue), similar party-political positions prevailed with regard to the overar­ching political prior­ities the MFF should be oriented towards. Against this empirical background, the contri­bution discusses ideas on how to strengthen parlia­mentary bodies on the national and European level in order to exert a full budget authority.


Carolin Marx und Lea Michel

Die Europäische Union 60 Jahre nach den Römischen Verträgen: Strategien und Heraus­forderungen für die Zukunft

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Steffen Jäger, Jana Schubert und Richard Steinberg

„Alter­native Europa!“: eine Vision der Gener­ation Zukunft

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Tobias Brings-Wiesen und Frederik Ferreau

Am offenen Herzen staatlicher Legit­i­mation – zum Verhältnis von Sicherheit und Recht im Angesicht neuzeitlicher Bedrohungsszenarien

Jana Pöhler

Die Stellung der Europäischen Kommission im EU-Institutionengefüge

Bestellen Sie die integration direkt bei der Nomos Verlags­ge­sellschaft oder im Buchhandel.

Preise 2018: Jahresabon­nement Privat (Print­ausgabe inkl. Onlinezugang) 78,– €; Jahresabon­nement für Studierende (Print­ausgabe inkl. Onlinezugang) 44,– € (bitte Studi­enbescheinigung zusenden); Jahresabon­nement für Insti­tu­tionen (Print­ausgabe inkl. Onlinezugang) 124,– €; Einzelheft 22,– €. Alle Preise verstehen sich inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Vertrieb­skosten (Vertrieb­skos­tenanteil 10,81 €, plus Direk­t­be­orderungs­gebühr Inland 1,61 € p.a.).

ISSN 0720–5120

Verlag: Nomos Verlags­ge­sellschaft – Waldseestr. 3–5 – 76530 Baden-Baden – Tel: +49 7221 2104–0 – Fax: +49 7221 2104–27

integration wird vom Auswär­tigen Amt gefördert.