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EUCACIS Online Paper No. 10: The roots of political instability in Afghanistan and the implications of (mis)governance

The paper looks at two forms of gover­nance in the recent history of Afghanistan: the elected Afghan government and the Taliban, analysing both in terms of their contri­bution to the current and continued misgov­er­nance of the country. Two concepts are guiding this analysis:  the notion of ‘good gover­nance’ as it is defined by the Worldwide Gover­nance Indicators (WGI), and the principles of Islamic gover­nance (Khilafat), as defined by four of the most influ­ential post-modernist Islamic thinkers; juxta­posing the Taliban’s imple­men­tation of Islam with these principles. The paper concludes with some recom­men­da­tions on how to improve the difficult situation in the country.

EUCACIS Online Paper No. 10 can be downloaded here.