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Eine Energieaußenpolitik für die Europäische Union. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

External energy policy features increas­ingly on the political agenda of the European Union and its promi­nence will continue to accel­erate for the foreseeable future. We do not have the genuine European policy that we expected from the official discourse calling for a “common voice” on external energy policy; yet the political need for this is evident in light of several energy crises. The author explores the reasons for this and whether the current external energy policy could actually function. She offers her recom­men­da­tions, based on solid analysis, to political actors with the aim of making successful policy a reality. The author’s extensive primary source research and numerous inter­views with key decision makers provide deep insights into the black box of Brussels decision making processes to make European external energy policy more trans­parent. The book brings a theoretical approach to this new area of research in political science, success­fully combining theory with political practice.

Dr. Susanne Rompel:

Eine Energieaußen­politik für die Europäische Union. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Mit einem Vorwort von EU-Kommissar Günther Oettinger

2015, 610 S., Broschiert,
ISBN 978–3‑8487–1694‑4

(Reihe Europäische Schriften Bd. 95)

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