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On the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP)

Concerning the negoti­a­tions between the EU and the US on a transat­lantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP the public debate has focused on the question of a possible decline in European social and environ­mental standards, as well as on the problem of an arbitral jurisdiction.

In volume 1/2015 of the quarterly journal integration of the institute for European politics (IEP) and the Arbeit­skreis Europäische Integration (AEI), Waldemar Hummer asked whether the ISDS-arbitration in the EU free trade agree­ments TTIP, CETA and TISA had negative effects on democracy and legit­imacy, and how the EU has reacted to the European citizens’ initiative “Stopp TTIP”: here you will find the article (in German).

Investor-to-state dispute settle­ments resulting from state measures regarding its capital investment have been solved by extra­ju­dicial resolu­tions for many years. In the issue no. 1/2016, of integration Ludwig Gramlich and Claudia Conen present proce­dural alter­na­tives to investor-state dispute settlement: here you will find the article (in German).