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Iryna Solonenko at IEP

The Ukrainian SPES fellow Iryna Solonenko stayed at IEP from 28 September to 25 October 2009. She used her research stay to meet experts, inter alia from the Federal Foreign Ministry, the Chancellery and Berlin based think tanks. She held a guest lecture at the research collo­quium of the PhD programme “Zivilge­sellschaft und externe Demokratisierung im postsozial­is­tischen Europa” at Europa-Univer­sität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder). Moreover, her SPES research project was discussed at an expert workshop at IEP as well as the jour fixe at Kolleg-Forscher­gruppe “Trans­for­mative Power of Europe“ at the Freie Univer­sität Berlin. Iryna’s research stay was comple­mented by a research trip to Brussels (from 2 to 8 November) where she met scholars and political actors working on EU-Ukraine relations. Moreover, she spoke at the IEP/TEPSA conference “How to improve ENP?” on Ukraine’s perception of European Neigh­bourhood Policy.

Iryna Solonenko has worked as the Director of the European Programme at the Inter­na­tional Renais­sance Foundation (Soros Foundation in Ukraine) since May 2004. The goal of the Programme is to increase the quality and effec­tiveness of Ukraine’s European and Euro-Atlantic integration policy and shape public demand for Ukraine’s Europeanization via initi­ating and providing financial, expert and organi­za­tional support to relevant civil society initia­tives in Ukraine. During 2000 and 2004 Iryna worked for the EastWest Institute, Kyiv Centre and dealt with impli­ca­tions of EU enlargement for Ukraine’s relations with its Central-European neigh­bours and regional devel­opment in Ukraine. Before that Iryna was involved into the work of USAID and CIDA funded projects in Ukraine. Iryna is a PhD candidate at the Department of European Integration, National Academy of Public Admin­is­tration in Ukraine. She works on the topic of EU’s policy towards eastern neigh­bours and EU’s impact on political trans­for­mation of Ukraine. During 2006 and 2007 Iryna undertook research at the European Research Institute of the University of Birmingham (UK) on this topic. Iryna holds an MA in Inter­na­tional Relations and European Studies from Central European University in Budapest and a BA in history from National University “Kiev-Mohyla Academy” in Kyiv. Iryna has been a speaker and partic­ipant at many confer­ences on EU-Ukraine relations, Ukraine’s European integration, and EU policy towards Eastern neigh­bours and has a number of relevant publi­ca­tions in English and Ukrainian.
