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IEP Authors in the Current Issue of the Ukraine Analysis

Which qualities mark the Ukrainian diaspora in Germany, and what potential does it have to affect the design of the relationship between the German and Ukrainian societies? These and other questions are discussed in the article, „Die ukrainische ‚diasporic community‘ in Deutschland: Charak­ter­istika und Engagement fürs Heimatland”, by Ljudmyla Melnyk, Magdalena Patalong and Richard Steinberg. This article is a part of the project “Ukrainians in Poland and Germany – Civic and Political Engagement, Expec­ta­tions, and Oppor­tu­nities for Action”.

The abbre­viated version of the article that was first published in Ukraine-Analytica 2 (4)/2016, S. 49–57 in English, appears in the current issue of the Ukraine Analysis Nr. 181 (in German). The analyses are also regularly published by the Bundeszen­trale für politische Bildung: