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German-American Dialogue on the Post-Soviet Space: “From ambition to pragmatism?”

On 28 and 29 November 2017, the fourth workshop of the German-American Dialogue on the Post-Soviet Space was held, in cooper­ation with the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) in Berlin on the topic of “From ambition to pragmatism? The EU’s Eastern Neigh­bourhood facing a new transat­lantic reality”. The workshop provided a platform for exchange and facil­i­tated an expert discussion of the transat­lantic cooper­ation towards the countries of the Eastern Partnership. A dedicated group of 35 stake­holders, policy­makers and practi­tioners from the afore­men­tioned states exchanged on strategies for facing the trans­for­mation related and geopo­litical challenges in that region. Over the course of two days, the experts and partic­i­pants were able to assess various approaches and proposals to overcome the obstacles to trans­for­mation in the Eastern Partnership countries.

The Estonian foreign minister Sven Mikser offered the partic­i­pants valuable insights in the view of the Estonian EU presi­dency on the recent Eastern Partnership Summit. The workshop was concluded with a key note by the Federal Foreign Office Coordi­nator of Transat­lantic Cooper­ation, Jürgen Hardt (Member of the German Bundestag, CDU/CSU) on the transat­lantic cooper­ation in areas of mutual interest.

A summary of the workshop discussion will follow.

The German-American dialogue is imple­mented in cooper­ation with the German Marshall Fund of the United States, with support of the “Transat­lantikpro­gramm” of the Federal Republic of Germany, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) through means of the European Recovery Program (ERP).

