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5th Ukraine Breakfast Debate with Dr. Andreas Umland on Ukraine’s Future Security Scenarios

Our fifth Ukraine Breakfast Debate took place on Tuesday, 20 March 2018 on the topic of “Six security scenarios for Ukraine: Options and strategies for a future embedding of Ukraine in the inter­na­tional political system” with Dr. Andreas Umland. The Breakfast Debate was organised within our project “Platform for Analytics and Inter­cul­tural Commu­ni­cation” (PAIC) as well as within the context of the “Ukraine-Woche”, an initiative by the GIZ and the Ukrainian Embassy in Berlin, which is taking place from 19–23 March 2018.

Dr. Andreas Umland, senior research fellow at the Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooper­ation (IEAC) in Kiew, reported on Ukraine’s current security situation and presented six scenarios which refer back to the following questions: In which inter­na­tional political struc­tures could Ukraine be embedded and which conse­quences would bring these options with them? What would a status quo of the current ‘grey zone status’ or a specific non-allied status imply for Ukraine? In how far is a new Eastern European security coalition, a so-called Inter­marium Alliance, possible? You can find publi­ca­tions by Dr. Andreas Umland on this topic here in English or here in German.

