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2nd Expert Workshop of the Project TruLies: The Truth about Lies on Europe

Round Table on “Migration” and the “Economic and Monetary Union”

On 14th November 2016, the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) in cooper­ation with Das Progressive Zentrum (DPZ) and with support from Stiftung Mercator organized the 2nd expert workshop on the causes and effects of populism and Euroscep­ticism in Germany following a successful launch on 16th November 2015.

To make the European policy debate in Germany more objective, the right-wing populist hypotheses with respect to thematic complexes such as “migration” and the “Economic and Monetary Union / finances” were analyzed. These theses and argumen­tation patterns have been compiled in advance in the form of so called “factsheets” within the project “TruLies Europe”.

At the workshop actors from politics, science, economy and civil society with consid­erable expertise in the afore­men­tioned fields partic­i­pated. In the internal working session, there was also a discussion on the results of the project “TruLies Europe” by reflecting and further devel­oping them.