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2nd Autumn Seminar: “An EU Foreign & Security Policy With Global Reach ? Actors, Procedures, Capabilities and Effectiveness”

From 12 to 16 September 2006, the follow-up conference for the first and second cohort of the grant holders of the Programme “European Foreign and Security Policy Studies” took place in Brussels at Fondation Univer­si­taire, EU insti­tu­tions premises and Crowne Plaza Hotel Europa. It was organised by the IEP together with Compagnia di San Paolo (Torino), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Stockholm) and the Volkswa­gen­Foun­dation (Hanover). More than 20 academics and officials and 46 grant holders from all over Europe and beyond partic­i­pated in the conference and discussed the question of “European Foreign and Security Policy with Global Reach?”.
After welcome speeches of Dr. Alfred Schmidt from the Volkswa­gen­Foun­dation and Dr. Mathias Jopp from the Institut für Europäische Politik the first two days of the conference were primarily dedicated to the presen­ta­tions of the first research results of the second cohort of the grant holders. In order to facil­itate coherent feedback and an exchange between the young academics of the first and the second cohort and profes­sionals, the presen­ta­tions were given in eight thematic panels, which addressed the following aspects:

“Civil and Military Crisis Management of the EU – Conceptual Trends and the Appli­cation of Instruments”,
“Current Trends in CFSP/ESDP – Insti­tu­tions, Strategic Culture, Cross-pillarisation”,
“The Europeani­sation of National Foreign, Security and Defence Policy – the Case of Germany and Cyprus”,
“Democ­ratic Control and the Role of the Media in the CFSP”,
“Other CFSP Prior­ities – Relations with China and Russia”,
“Other CFSP Prior­ities – Arms (Export) Control and IAEA”,
“CFSP in Action — the Southern Caucasus and Western Africa” and
“The EU’s Policy in the Western Balkans”.
In the first panel the projects of the grant holders concen­trated on the EU as a civil and military crisis manager. From more theoretical to more empirical perspec­tives concepts and instru­ments of EU crisis management were criti­cally reflected. A special emphasis was put on the civilian part of EU crisis management. Inter­dis­ci­plinary aspects of CFSP/ESDP were then taken up in the panel on “Current Trends in CFSP/ESDP — Insti­tu­tions, Strategic Culture, Cross-pillar­i­sation”. The presented projects analysed CFSP and ESDP from legal perspective, asked for the emergence of an EU strategic culture, respec­tively of a trans-national public good and concen­trated on policy-crossing challenges for European coherence. In a third step the conference dealt with the national level and asked, in how far the CFSP and the ESDP influence national foreign, security and defence policies, here in the case of Germany and Cyprus. On the next day the fourth panel concen­trated on the factor and role of public opinion in CFSP.

In three other panels the focus shifted more towards concrete external relations of the EU with other regions in Europe and in the world. The respective research projects focused on China and Russia, Southern Caucasus and Western Africa and the Western Balkans. The panel left on “Other CFSP Prior­ities — Arms (Export) Control and IAEA” took a different perspective and questioned the arms export policies of EU member states in context of Europeanization as well as the IAEA safeguard systems regarding possible advan­tages of early warning capabil­ities. In all panels, one part of the discussion of the research papers focused on method­ological questions. The chairmen of the panels as well as the young researchers of the first cohort tried to give advices especially along the following aspects: defin­ition of concepts, leading research question, justi­fi­cation of theoretical framework/approach and cases, aim of research (more policy- or research-orien­tated) etc. In a second part of the conference the views of CFSP/ESDP actors and analysts mainly from Brussels were presented. In the contri­bu­tions made by CFSP practioners the enormous growth of CFSP activ­ities most obvious in the (as of July 2006: in total 15 i.e. 4 military and 11 civilian or civilian-military ones) crisis management opera­tions was frequently referred to. Despite all the well-known short­comings — the major challenge being the question of coherence between the EU pillars and EU actors but also between them and the national levels — the EU has moved towards a global player not only in economic but also in political terms. Those involved in the daily CFSP business have under­lined the strong will among all partic­i­pating countries to achieve a common line on all major issues with only few excep­tional cases like the Iraq War, i.e. when at top political level national positions have been taken already before attempts were made in CFSP to find common ground. Today, concer­tation among the 25/27 goes as far as to include also the agenda of the UN Security Council — a strict taboo in earlier CFSP times. In contrast to previous assess­ments of several observers enlargement has not produced any diffi­culties for CFSP decision-making. This may have been due to the initial “silence” of the “newcomers” but it also reflects the basic interest of the member states to promote consensus instead of working against it. This is not to say as was pointed out that no diver­gences exist ‑like in the defin­ition of the EU policy towards Russia — but that efforts are strong towards a common line even if negoti­a­tions take some time.

Furthermore and according to CFSP insiders, the process of “Brusseli­sation” i.e. the growth of the CFSP insti­tu­tions in Brussels since the late nineties, did also help to improve the EU’s capac­ities as an inter­na­tional actor. Among those most frequently referred were the Policy Unit, the High Repre­sen­tative for the CFSP, Javier Solana, the Political and Security Committee (PSC) and the ESDP infrastructure.

The estab­lishment of an admit­tedly small staff of mostly diplomats seconded from their respective foreign ministries to the Policy Unit has success­fully contributed to the present CFSP. Though limited to specific key issues like e.g. the Western Balkans, the Policy Unit has been able to define and promote shared visions among the member states. This presup­poses close links between the members of the Policy Unit and their colleagues “at home” which enable them to launch Brussels — based ideas and test them in the capitals and vice-versa i.e. an important channel of commu­ni­cating national interests to Brussels early in advance. Similarly this applies also to the work and success of the High Repre­sen­tative who is in close contact not only with the acting presi­dency but with the other foreign ministers even though some might be more preferred inter­locu­teurs than others.

The creation of the PSC, composed of high ranking diplomats at ambas­sadorial level and posted in the Permanent Repre­sen­ta­tions o the EU member states in Brussels, and its quasi permanent consul­tation mechanism is another key to the greater efficiency and effec­tiveness of today’s CFSP. According to insiders gone are the days when rivalry was strong between it and Coreper, the “genuine” and exclusive body for preparing the Council Sessions. Instead the amount of workload on either side, the speci­ficity of the issues and the requirement for coordi­nation i.e. to better harmonise the different tools of the various pillars, work towards normal relations.

Though limited in personnel the European Union Military Staff and as part of it the recently created Civil-Military Cell have important tasks to fulfil with regard to the ESDP objec­tives. Apart from genuine strategic planning much time has to be devoted there also to internal and inter­pillar coordi­nation to meet the EU’s overall claim to promote long lasting stability in crisis regions. Besides, regular concer­tation is necessary with the national level and Nato e.g. in order to set up and implement the ESDP opera­tions while well-known obstacles on the part of some member states persist towards greater autonomy towards a “Brussels”-based operation centre.

To achieve greater consis­tency the role of the European Commission is said to be of consid­erable impor­tance as well. Despite undeniable rivalries between Council and Commission bodies warnings were issued and recom­men­da­tions made to focus more on a cooper­ative approach in the day-to-day CFSP business success­fully performed e.g. with the nomination of the EU Special Repre­sen­tative for Macedonia, E. Foueré, who served before as the Head of the Commission delegation in Skopje. This decision should not be seen as a “victory” of the Commission as one official warned but as a sign of doing things that are not forbidden in order to improve coherence in the EU’s foreign policy. Never­theless — as other CFSP experts put it — there seem to be certain suspi­cions among member states towards such an inter­pre­tation which might prevent the appli­cation of this “model” of a Special Repre­sen­tative to other cases.

Due to the deadlock of the Consti­tu­tional Treaty insti­tu­tional reform seems to be more than modest and limited to more practical adapta­tions as mentioned above. Even though the incoming German Presi­dency intends to give new life to the consti­tu­tional process CFSP will have to live with the existing insti­tu­tional set-up and the creation of the post of a double-hatted EU foreign minister will take considerable
time. In the meantime the High Repre­sen­tative for the CFSP will probably receive greater respon­si­bility, however, depending on the readiness of each presi­dency to do so. In general his partic­i­pation in the EU‑3 (United Kingdom, France and Germany) to negotiate with Iran is generally assessed as a positive step partic­u­larly in order to build the bridge between the “big three” and those EU members which have to remain outside. Given the general suspi­cions on the part of the smaller member states towards directoires/ core groups it seems that that the formula used for Iran will not serve as a model for the future.

Among the issues frequently referred to were the scope, nature and results of various ESDP missions as was the EU’s policy towards the Balkans.
Even though one has to acknowledge that the EU’s capabil­ities are not fully developed and that the headline goals as defined by the politi­cians still differ from reality (partic­u­larly in the civilian sector) the ESDP opera­tions conducted since 2003 have been successful and improved the EU’s profile as a major inter­na­tional actor. Among those cited were the EU border mission in Palestine (EUBAM Rafah) heavily promoted by the acting presi­dency at that time and in close concer­tation with Solana and the Council Secre­tariat and the EU mission to foster peace in Indonesia (Aceh) in which countries from the region (ASEAN) partic­i­pated in a fruitful way, according to official sources.
As a highlight in the framework of the conference the first Anna Lindh Award Ceremony, chaired by the Secre­taries General of the three fonda­tions, Prof. Dr. Dan BRÄNDSTRÖM from the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Prof. Dr. Piero GASTALDO from the Compagnia di San Paolo and Dr. Wilhelm KRULL from the Volkswa­gen­Foun­dation were held on 14 September 2006 in the Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel in Brussels. After intro­ductory speeches of Hans DAHLGREN, Swedish State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Margot WALLSTRÖM, Vice President of the European Commission and Commis­sioner for Insti­tu­tional Relations and Commu­ni­cation and Prof. Dr. Klaus HÄNSCH, MEP, former President of the European Parliament and former Member of the European Convention and the Laudatio of Prof. Dr. Walter Emanuel CARLSNAES from the University of Uppsala and the Norwegian Institute of Inter­na­tional Affairs the Anna Lindh Award was given to Prof. Dr. Helene SJURSEN from the University of Oslo for excellent research in European Foreign and Security Policies.

The Conference ended with a Panel Discussion on the question of “Coherence, Effec­tiveness and Legit­imacy through Brusseli­sation?” with remarks of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wessels from University of Cologne, Ambas­sador Alyson Bailes, Director of Stockholm Inter­na­tional Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Prof. Dr. Jörg Monar from University of Stras­bourg, Dr. Gunilla Herolf from Swedish Institute of Inter­na­tional Affairs and Prof. Dr. Jan Zielonka from University of Oxford. As a conclusion of the conference they all asked for the defin­ition of the concepts ‘coherence’, ‘effec­tiveness’ and ‘legit­imacy’ not only in Foreign and Security issues but also in a compre­hensive way regarding European integration as a whole.


“An EU Foreign and Security Policy with Global Reach? Actors, Proce­dures, Capabil­ities and Effectiveness”


Fondation Univer­si­taire, EU insti­tu­tions premises and Crowne Plaza Hotel Europa
in the framework of the European Foreign and Security Policy Studies Programme

Tuesday, 12 September 2006

Arrival of Partic­i­pants at the Foundation Univer­si­taire (Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels)

10.00 hrs

Welcome and Opening

Dr. Alfred SCHMIDT
Dr. Mathias JOPP
Institut für Europäsche Politik, Berlin

N.N. Founda­tions

10.30 hrs

Civil and Military Crisis Management of the EU — Conceptual Trends and the Appli­cation of Instruments

Chair and first comment

Prof. Dr. Gianni BONVICINI
Director, Istituto Affari Inter­nazionali, Rome

Presen­ta­tions of the grant holders (2nd cohort)

The European Union as a crisis manager: inter­na­tional security and civil-military concepts from an insti­tu­tion­alist perspective

Policy learning in the European Union on civilian crisis management: the case of exter­nally assisted police reform

Nicoletta PIROZZI
EU civilian crisis management: improving recruitment, training and deployment standards

Further comments (1st cohort)

Cornelius ADEBAHR (Berlin)
Natalia TOUZOVSKAYA (Moscow)

Discussion and responses

13.00 hrs

Lunch Buffet

14.00 hrs

Current Trends in CFSP/ESDP — Insti­tu­tions, Strategic Culture, Cross-pillarisation

Chair and first comment

Dr. Mathias JOPP
Director, Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin

Presen­ta­tions of the grant holders

In search of effec­tiveness: a legal analysis of the ESDP insti­tu­tional framework

European Security and Defence Policy: the emergence of an EU strategic culture?

Christian MÖLLING
Towards a European security and military strategy? Coherence and conse­quences of the European Union’s policies on military crisis management, armaments cooper­ation and arms control

Can European security become a trans-national public good? Lessons for a future ESDP

“War on crime” in the inter­pillar context of the area of freedom, security and justice. New dynamism for the Common Foreign and Security Policy?

Further comments

Bastian GIEGERICH (London)
Claudia MAJOR (Birmingham)
Christopher REYNOLDS (Munich)
Michele COMELLI (Rome)

Discussion and responses

17.00 hrs

Coffee break

17.15 hrs

The Europeani­sation of National Foreign, Security and Defence Policy — the Case of Germany and Cyprus

Chair and first comment

Prof. Dr. Simon DUKE
European Institute of Public Admin­is­tration, Maastricht


Germany’s multi­lat­er­alism after 9/11 — Concept, reality and conse­quences for the CFSP

EU vertical intel­li­gence sharing to combat terrorism: more carrots, more sticks

De-securi­tising foreign policy – unpacking the impact of Europeani­sation: the Cyprus case

Further comments

Nicole ALECU DE FLERS (Vienna)
Ruth HANAU SANTINI (Bologna)
Eva GROSS (London)
Alister MISKIMMON (London)

Discussion and responses

19.15 hrs

Walk to the Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel (Rue de la Loi 107, 1040 Brussels)

19.30 hrs

(Crowne Plaza Hotel Europa, Schuman Room)

Keynote Speech

Director General DGE, Secre­tariat of the Council of the European Union, Brussels

Wednesday, 13 September 2006

8.30 hrs

Democ­ratic Control and the Role of the Media in the CFSP
(Fondation Universitaire)

Chair and first comment

Deputy Director, Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin


Diletta LATINI
The transat­lantic rift over the use of force in the Iraq crisis (2002–2003): insights from the impact of the news media debates on public opinion

Martin MEYER
Towards a common security discourse? The evolution of a public sphere in the European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy

Further comments

Claes H. DE VREESE (Amsterdam)
Ebru S. CANAN (Siena)

Discussion and responses

10.30 hrs

Coffee break

10.45 hrs

Walk to the Council of the European Union (Justus Lipsius Building, Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 Brussels)

11.00 hrs

Foreign Policy Challenges and the EU’s Responses
(EU Council Secre­tariat, Justus Lipsius Building)

Keynote Speech

Head of Policy Unit (Solana’s office), EU Council Secre­tariat, Brussels


12.45 hrs

Walk to the Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel (Rue de la Loi 107, 1040 Brussels)

13.00 hrs

Lunch Buffet
(Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel, Foyer Schuman Room)

Lunch Debate

Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament, Brussels

15.00 hrs

Other CFSP Prior­ities — Relations with China and Russia
(Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel, Schuman Room)

Chair and first comment

Dr. Fraser CAMERON
European Policy Centre, Brussels


Engaging China — uniting Europe? The European Foreign and Security Policy towards China

The enlarged Europe – Russia’s cooper­ation within the ESDP project: a new impetus?

Further comments

Holger MOROFF (Jena)
Kristi RAIK (Helsinki)
Nicola CATELLANI (Bologna)

Discussion and responses

16.30 hrs

Coffee break

17.00 hrs

Other CFSP Prior­ities – Arms (Export) Control and IAEA
(Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel, Schuman Room)

Chair and first comment

Prof. Dr. Walther STÜTZLE
Former State Secretary; Senior Fellow, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin


The Europeani­sation of EU arms exports – how has the EU code of conduct on arms exports changed the arms export policies of EU member states?

Beyond safeguards – taking advantage of the early warning capabil­ities of the improved IAEA safeguard systems in respect of nuclear programmes leading to outbreak capabilities

Further comments

Gunnar JEREMIAS (Hamburg)
Jan Joel ANDERSSON (Stockholm)
Giovanni GASPARINI (Rome)

Discussion and responses

18.30 hrs

Coffee break

19.00 hrs

CFSP in Action — the Southern Caucasus and Western Africa
(Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel, Schuman Room)

Chair and first comment

Prof. Dr. Christian FRANCK
Président, Institut d’Études Européennes, Université Catholique de Louvain; Secretary General, Trans European Policy Studies Associ­ation (TEPSA), Brussels


EU-South Caucasus relations: questioning geopol­itics and beyond

Regional security: a new oppor­tunity for multi­lateral cooper­ation between the European Union and West Africa?

Further comments

Rosa BALFOUR (Rome)
Stephanie HOFMANN (Ithaca / USA)

Discussion and responses

20.30 hrs

(Crowne Plaza Hotel Europa, Monnet/Spaak Room)

Dinner Speech

Hans Bernhard WEISSERTH
EU Council Secre­tariat, Brussels

Thursday, 14 September 2006

9.00 hrs

The EU’s Policy in the Western Balkans
(Fondation Univer­si­taire, 1000 Brussels, Rue d’Egmont 11)

Chair and first comment

Stockholm Inter­na­tional Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Solna


Coherence and effec­tiveness of CFSP/ESDP in the Western Balkans (1991–2005)

Policing the Balkans: crime control and European Foreign and Security Policy

Further comments

Alessandro ROTTA (Rome)
Gergana NOUTCHEVA (Brussels)
Alessandra NERVI (Oslo)

Discussion and responses

11.00 hrs

Walk to German Permanent Repre­sen­tation to the EU (Rue Jacques de Lalaing 8–14, 1040 Brussels)

11.30 hrs

Expert seminar:
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Current CFSP and ESDP – Views of Actors and Analysts

From Declaratory Policy to Opera­tions and Active Policy – the View of a Member State
(German Permanent Representation)

Keynote Speech

Ambas­sador Dr. Clemens VON GOETZE
PSC, Permanent Repre­sen­tation of Germany, Brussels


13.00 hrs

Lunch at the German Permanent Representation

14.30 hrs

Walk to Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel (Rue de la Loi 107, 1040 Brussels)

15.00 hrs

Coffee at Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel, Foyer of Schuman Room

15.30 hrs

Anna Lindh Award Ceremony

chaired by the Secre­taries General of the three foundations

Prof. Dr. Dan BRÄNDSTRÖM, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Prof. Dr. Piero GASTALDO, Compagnia di San Paolo
Dr. Wilhelm KRULL, VolkswagenFoundation

Intro­ductory Remarks

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Stockholm

16.00 hrs

Keynote Speech

Vice President of the European Commission; Commis­sioner for Insti­tu­tional Relations and Commu­ni­cation, Brussels

Questions and answers

17.00 hrs

Keynote Speech

Prof. Dr. Klaus HÄNSCH MEP
Former President of the European Parliament; former Member of the Presidium, European Convention, Brussels

Questions and answers

18.00 hrs


18.30 hrs

Laudatio and Award

Prof. Dr. Walter Emanuel CARLSNAES
University of Uppsala and Norwegian Institute of Inter­na­tional Affairs, Oslo

18.45 hrs

Anna Lindh Lecture

Prof. Dr. Helene SJURSEN
University of Oslo


19.45 hrs

Anna Lindh Programme on Conflict Prevention 2006

Presen­tation by

Stockholm and Madariaga European Foundation, Brussels

20.00 hrs

Anna Lindh Award Reception

20.30 hrs


Friday, 15 September 2006

9.00 hrs

The role of EUMS in crisis-management
Military Staff (EUMS, EU Council Secre­tariat, Justus Lipsius Building, Rue de la Loi 175, 1048 Brussels)

Keynote Speech

General Horst-Heinrich BRAUSS
Head of Civil-Military Cell, EUMS, EU Council Secre­tariat, Brussels

10.45 hrs

Walk to the European Commission (Centre Albert Borschette Building, Rue Froissart 36, 1049 Brussels)

11.00 hrs

The European Commission — Driving Force of EU’s Foreign Policy?
(European Commission, Centre Albert Borschette Building)

Keynote Speech

Deputy Director General, DG External Relations, European Commission, Brussels


12.30 hrs

Lunch at the European Commission

14.30 hrs

Walk to the Fondation Univer­si­taire (Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels)

15.00 hrs

“Brusseli­sation of CFSP”
(Fondation Universitaire)

15.10 hrs

Opening Remarks by the Organizers

Does the EU do better on the Western Balkans since 1999/2000?


Dr. Mathias JOPP
Director, Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin


Amb. Dr. Stefan LEHNE
Director for Western Balkans and Central Europe, Policy Unit, Secretariat
General of the Council of the European Union and EU Repre­sen­tative to the
Kosovo Future Status Process, Brussels

Political Counsellor to the Special Coordi­nator of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, Brussels


17.00 hrs

Coffee break

17.15 hrs

The EU in Crisis Management — Pooled Power or Shared Weaknesses?


Prof. Dr. Helene SJURSEN
University of Oslo


Didier LENOIR (invited)
EU Council Secre­tariat, Brussels

CIVCOM and Austrian Repre­sen­tation to the EU, Brussels

European Policy Center, Brussels


19.15 hrs

Walk to the Hotel Leopold (Rue du Luxem­bourg 35, 1050 Brussels)

19.30 hrs

(Hotel Leopold, Italian Terrace Garden)

20.30 hrs

After Dinner Speech

How to Achieve Coherence and Effec­tiveness in the Framework of the Existing Treaty?

Peter DUN
Adviser, Direc­torate Strategy Coordi­nation and Analysis, DG RELEX, European Commission, Brussels

Saturday, 16 September 2006

10.00 hrs

Coherence, Effec­tiveness and Legit­imacy through Brusselisation?
(Crowne Plaza Europa Hotel, Schuman Room, Rue de la Loi 107, 1040 Brussels)


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang WESSELS
University of Cologne


Ambas­sador Alyson J.K. BAILES
Director, Stockholm Inter­na­tional Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Solna

Prof. Dr. Jörg MONAR
University of Strasbourg

Dr. Gunilla HEROLF
Swedish Institute of Inter­na­tional Affairs, Stockholm

Prof. Dr. Jan ZIELONKA
University of Oxford


13.00 hrs


By: Anne Schmidt