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“Europas Wert” published

Europas Wert. Studien zum materiellen und immateriellen Nutzen der europäischen Integration

Europe repre­sents more than the mere economy of states and banks. This is the under­lying conviction and line of argumen­tation of this edited volume. The costs of incom­plete integration – i.e. the costs of ‘non-Europe’ – are included in the analysis of the added material and immaterial value of Europe. This volume provides those who deal with euroscep­ticism in their daily work with arguments to be able to engage in factual discussions.

With contri­bu­tions by:

Katrin Böttger, Christian Gokus, Julian Plottka, René Repasi, Funda Tekin

Mathias Jopp, Funda Tekin (Hrsg.):

Europas Wert. Studien zum materiellen und immateriellen Nutzen der europäischen Integration, 2014, 255 S.

ISBN 978–3‑8487–1505‑3 (Print)

ISBN 978–3‑8452–5546‑0 (ePDF)

(Reihe Europäische Schriften Bd. 94)


Available at Nomos-Shop

More “Europäische Schriften”…

This publi­cation was finan­cially supported by the European Commission. The volume results from two projects that dealt with the added value of Europe that were supported by the Federal Foreign Office and the Stiftung Mercator.