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After the Brexit vote: Quo vadis, Scotland? (TruLies Blog by Birgit Bujard)

"Scottish Parliament Building" (CC BY-NC 2.0) by Fulla T

More than half a year after the Brexit vote, what are Scotland’s future prospects, partic­u­larly regarding indepen­dence? This is being discussed by Birgit Bujard in a new post on the TruLies blog. She describes how Scotland finds itself at a cross­roads and must now weigh its options between its commitment to the EU on the one hand and the UK on the other: The governing Scottish National Party is very pro-European, and there was less opposition to immigration in Scotland than in the rest of Britain. Furthermore, EU membership is seen as strength­ening the credi­bility of Scotland’s case for indepen­dence. Never­theless, it was made clear after the Brexit vote that the EU did not want to be drawn into separate talks on Scotland’s future without the UK and it is unclear if there really is going to be another indepen­dence refer­endum. However, in any case, the Brexit will bring up the question of Scotland’s future gover­nance, when compe­tences are taken back from the EU.

Birgit Bujard is managing director of the German Society for Online Research.

The project “TruLies – The Truth about Lies on Europe”, aided by the Stiftung Mercator and run by the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in cooper­ation with Das Progressive Zentrum, has two principal objec­tives. On the one hand, it strives to decon­struct Eurosceptic and populist preju­dices, animosities, and false asser­tions, by means of social scien­tif­i­cally-grounded analysis. Thus, it aims to contribute to a ratio­nal­i­sation of the public discourse and debate in Germany (and beyond). On the other hand, “TruLies Europe” endeavours to publicly commu­nicate its findings beyond the select circle of scholars to political actors, civil society, and the wider public. You may find further infor­mation on our website:

Birgit Bujard’s contri­bution can be found here.