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EUCACIS Online Paper No. 7: A brief overview of the development of the EU-Azerbaijan Relations

Daniel Weißen­rieder elabo­rates in his paper the history of the 25-year relati­onship of the EU with Azerbaijan which is charac­te­rized by common interests, but also by conten­tious issues such as corruption, the human rights situation, autho­ri­tarian trends and the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Weißen­rieder also discusses the role of other actors in the region that need to be considered, like Russia, China, Turkey and Iran. The paper concludes that it needs to be seen to what extend and on which fields the currently negotiated new Partnership and Coope­ration Agreement (PCA) will impact the relations and the situation in the EU’s most remote Eastern Partnership country.

EUCACIS Online Paper No. 7 can be downloaded here.