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Application Process Started: Studies on ‘EU and Central Asia in the International System’ within the Master Programme in EU Studies Online

The appli­cation process for the Studies on ‘EU and Central Asia in the Inter­na­tional System’ within the master programme in EU Studies Online has started. The study programme takes places from October 2015 to July 2017 and offers new courses on ‘EU and Central Asia in the Inter­na­tional System’ (EUCAIS follow-up). Graduates and young profes­sionals, who are interested in the study programme on EU-Central Asia relations, can apply for scholar­ships of up to 2,600 Euro per academic year. The deadline for appli­ca­tions is 5 September 2015.

The programme is organised by the Centre inter­na­tional de formation européenne in coope­ration with the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne and the Institut für Europäische Politik and with the support of the European Commission. Within the Central Asian branch, the following courses will be offered:

For a complete overview of the curri­culum and the additional courses of the Central Asian branch, please download the pfd files ‘Curri­culum of the Master in EU Studies Online’ and ‘Obligatory Courses of the Central Asian Branch’.

The part-time study programme allows especially young profes­sionals to deepen and complement their knowledge of the EU integration process within the global context by applying blended learning methods: a combi­nation of e‑learning and intensive face-to-face learning phases (mainly at weekends) while pursuing their careers.

This study programme, contrary to other programmes at European univer­sities, accen­tuates in parti­cular the visits to European capitals like Berlin, Rome, Budapest, Istanbul, and Brussels, where face-to-face workshops take place. During these workshops, the parti­ci­pants have the oppor­tunity to meet repre­sen­ta­tives of European insti­tu­tions, national decision makers in charge of European and inter­na­tional affairs and experts from the public and private sectors. Thus they gain greater insights into the working environment of these organisations.

We are looking forward to the appli­ca­tions of parti­ci­pants from the region of greater Central Asia (Afgha­nistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkme­nistan, Uzbekistan, as well as from the Chinese region of Xinjiang and the Indian region of Kashmir) and the Caucasus region.

Young profes­sionals interested in the study programme can apply for scholar­ships of up to 2,600 Euro per academic year. These scholar­ships reduce the tuition fees according to the following scheme:

The appli­cation for a scholarship is done within the online appli­cation procedure for the master programme, which is available at:

Detailed infor­mation on the appli­cation process and the appli­cation form are available at If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact